

Meena and I did a little dual purposed visit to James and D's last night ... I went for the Giants game, she went do a little pre-engagement party fashion show. I guess D is looking for a dress and it's a well-known fact that Meena has a dress or two in her closet.

Anyway, after a dress had been selected and in the midst of a disappointing Giants loss, we were treated to one of the finest things to happen to a football game since beer - D's famous sausage bread.

From what I can tell, this delicious baked good features:
- pizza dough from the local pizza place
- sausage
- cheese (D says the cheaper the better ... the good stuff just doesn’t come out right)
- garlic
- onion
- assorted herbs?
- marinara sauce
- an egg

So I'd knocked back a couple Molson’s and the complete ingredient list escapes me, but I think that's the important stuff. It's really super easy, too. Roll out that dough (D had James, a former Dominoes employee work this one over), drop in the filling, fold over a couple times and seal up the ends and bake. Oh, I think she gave this thing an egg wash as well. The dough was all shiny and beautiful, so I'm guessing that's the case. Anyway, it was amazing. Especially the little marinara boats. SUPER! Except for the game. That was sad. Sorry, James.

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