

Today we had the whole afternoon free so we took advantage by firing up the crock pot with a nice slab of beef short ribs inside.

I was inspired by James' dinner last night and figured it would be pretty awesome to start up a slab in the afternoon, forget about it and open up the top six hours later to discover a pretty amazing treat. Turns out I was totally right.

The short ribs roasted with the following:
- beef broth
- coffee
- garlic
- maple syrup
- red onion

Once it came out, we shredded it up, threw off the bones and a bunch of the fat and mixed it up with Meena's barbecue sauce:
- brown sugar
- soy sauce
- garlic
- crushed red peppers

Then we served the whole thing with some white rice, green onions and spinach wilted with rice vinegar.

This was a truly amazing dish. It was like eating a ssam without the wrap. And the kimchi and shiitake mushrooms. But you know what I mean. It was filled with a great garlic punch and creamy, fatty goodness.

I can't wait for round two tomorrow.

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