

There's no avoiding it. We both love ssam and it's really hard to go much longer than a week without it. I think we were both reaching our breaking point and had no choice but to cab it from a gallery opening in SoHo to the most glorious establishment second avenue has ever hosted (note: we probably could have walked on a nice day, but it's still bitter here. Cab = essential).

This was the first time we'd been back for dinner in a couple weeks and although it might have been wise to tap into our adventurous side and test other delicious items on the menu, we went with what we knew. And it's not to say there aren't very likely winners peppered throughout that tiny menu - we watched everything coming out and I have little doubt anything sub par comes from that kitchen. It's just that it was cold and we wanted what we wanted.

Both Meena and I had the:
- momofuku ssam
- ob lager

Words can't describe. It's just heaven wrapped in aluminum foil. With delicious berkshire pork, kimchi paste and mushrooms. So delicious. So filling. So amazing. So can't wait to go back.

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