

Friday morning on our way to work we decided we needed a trip to one of our favorite spots in the city to wash away the stress of the week. So once we'd put everything to bed for the week, we both met back in the West Village for a lovely evening at Tartine.

When we lived in the West Village, we probably went to Tartine at least once a week. It was our neighborhood favorite. We'd stop by Manley's, buy a bottle of wine (they're BYOB) and just zip down West 4th for the most comforting French faire around.

I completely forgot to take photos, but I was lucky enough to find a review written by Richard AB and he had some nice shots. Even one of the dish I order every time I'm there! Thanks for the helping, hand Mr. AB.

The "combo combo" was one of our favorite appetizers at Tartine, but it's unfortunately not on the menu any longer. They had a nice little scallop dish that was similar to the garlicky mussels we loved so much. It was basically just delicious little scallops with a creamy tobiko sauce.

After the opener, Meena had her usual:
- sautéed chicken with fries

I had my standard:
- pissalidiere with anchovies and goat cheese

With a nice little bottle of red from Manley's, it was just like heaven. It's places and nights like this that make me love this city so much.

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