

It only happens a couple times a year, but tonight was one of those special nights when Indiana's finest country blues band comes to the big city. That's right, The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band rocked B.B. King's last night and we were front and center. It was great to hear the Rev rock Hell on Earth (Times Square) with a little country gospel and tunes about Old Man Peyton. He'll be back on Friday for another round. Watch out Brooklyn.

Before the big show, we had to house some Tara Thai delivery so we could properly hang and help load gear and what not. No surprise ... we got the usual.

Alec had:
- tom yum koong
- beef krapraw (beef with basil)

Meena had:
- spring rolls
- chicken pad thai

Delicious as always. I even forgot to take photos, so what you're seeing is recycled. Sorry about that. At least I threw in a great photo of the Rev, right?

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