

I know what you're thinking ... Lil' Ceasar's right? No? Fine. Don't humor me.

Again with the delivery. I had an especially long day yesterday and didn't really have the patience for anything but Lil' Frankies and a glass (or two) of wine. Fortunately for me, Meena was happy to go along.

I stayed true to my regular:
- pizza marinara (NO CHEESE)

Meena deviated from the baby meatballs and did the pizza thing with:
- pizza napoletana

Now I haven't checked, but I was pretty sure Meena's was supposed to have some degree of dairy incorporated into her pizza pie. I ordered the napoletana once and I was pretty sure it was there. I think they forgot. Which is fine ... it was still delicious.

So more Meena, Yankees and delicious delivery. Expect more of the same tomorrow!

NOTE: I just checked. No cheese. Like I said though … still wonderful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm a displaced ny'er - born and raised and i love your blog. it makes me homesick - even (especially?) the take out. i live in a food waste land down here - cool place to be but oy, the food. anyway - that pizza looked amazing. i'm in nyc about 3x a year and i eat my way through and around it every time i go. next time i'll just have to stay at my mom's apt. and order in every night. or not.

anyway - keep it comin'. good luck with everything. my new little pathetic blog is limping along. designing it is the hard part for me. html can take a damn hike for all i care...

oh LOVE your logo. it's just right.