

Well, we're back in Brooklyn and we figured the best way to get the kitchen fired back up would be with some pizzettas. I'm sure we didn't invent this recipe and we're not the only ones making these things, but I'd bet we're up there at the top in terms of quantity produced each month. They're just such an easy recipe and they taste so darn good!

I essentially made two different types last night. The first:
- flour tortilla
- tomato dipping oil
- sardines
- cheddar
- basil
- crushed red pepper

And the second:
- flour tortilla
- cheddar
- basil pesto
- anchovies
- crushed red pepper
- basil

There were some slight variations there but that was more or less our list of ingredients. And everything was lovely. We don't usually include the sardines but I was really into the "tinned fishes" last night and I think Meena was really pleased with the results. I also found a new brand of anchovies and they're pretty awesome. Can't remember them now but I'll know the package when I see it.

Anyway, everything was awesome. Now back to work!

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