

I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but I have to, for the third post in a row, offer another fake photo. This one comes courtesy of some dude on Flickr named jglsongs. Sorry for being a thief folks but I figured it was better than the grand total of ZERO photos I remembered to take when we actually got to Bar Tabac.

See, part of the problem was that going to Bar Tabac was never our intention. We wanted to, after a moderately long week, hit Lobo for some margs and tex mex. Friday night, livin' right, you know?

But when we got down there ... to our horror ... Lobo was in the midst of some renovation. Thinking about this a few days later, now possessing the ability to process their decision rationally, I get it. They needed to update some of that stuff. But oh, woe was us, friends. We were none too happy to be sent wandering Cobble Hill aimlessly.

So with a hunger growing and no acceptable Mexican replacements in sight, we figured we'd just try the French angle. Or ... sorta French angle. Bar Tabac it would be.

Meena had:
- mussels and fries

Alec had:
- nicoise salad

My salad was nice. Tuna, anchovy, potato, egg, etc. All things I love. And even cooler when they all make an appearance in my salad.

Meena's mussels were solid as well. She was pretty pleased despite the fact they were fairly liberal with their use of rosemary in the dish. She's no big fan of the rosemary, baby, so it was a coup. A coup indeed.

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