

Tonight we started with a little pesto shrimp salad. You'll begin to notice that more often than not, we don't really use recipes. We usually just get inspiration from something we had at a restaurant or saw in a magazine and go with what we have on hand or what looks good in the store. We had this really great shrimp salad at Oakley’s in Indy last weekend, so I thought I’d use up some of the sun-dried tomato pesto for this appetizer.


- shrimp
- sun-dried tomato pesto
- sesame seeds
- miracle whip
- garlic clove
- white onion
- green onion
- sesame oil

Verdict? Not bad. The taste was pretty good, but it’s not quite what I had in mind when I started out. There was probably a little too much sauce for the amount of shrimp. But I think we both agreed … not a bad beginning. Oh ... forgot to mention. Presentation = crap. Literally. The color of the pesto isn't that pretty and the whole dish took on the hue. THAT needs work

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