

Surprisingly, Meena and I had a successful flight home on Sunday that included not only on time departure and arrival, but our checked luggage greeting us at the baggage claim the second we approached it. Not bad.

For dinner, we really didn't feel like cooking. And honestly, after that massive lunch, we didn't feel much like anything at all!

So we figured a little Joya delivery was just what the doctor ordered. So order we did.

Meena had:
- chicken pad thai

Alec had
- tom yum koong

It was just right. All I needed was a bite of Meena's pad thai and a bit of the most lovely soup in the world. Man. I love Asian soups. Miso. Hot and sour. Tom yum koong. They're the best.

Anyway, it was a good weekend. Great even. And we really felt good about seeing family and checking items off the to do list. Fantastic.

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